The tales, trials, and triumphs if a urban twenty-something.
Comments, feedback, and story-sharing are encouraged.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Because Nothing Means Anything.

I need to do something meaningful soon, or I'll go crazy.

I mean it. I'm sick of the Instagram, the Snapchats, the Facebook- the bullshit. Will it matter a year from now? Will I remember anything from the hours of crap that I consumed?

Maybe its the wintery cabin fever talking, or the fact that my roommate is gone for the week and I'm not used to living alone, but I can't shake the feeling that nothing I do means anything. Its the feeling that you could disappear tomorrow, and nothing would change. The world would go on turning, and your entire small, mediocre existence becomes nothing but blip, a number in the system, a grave in the cemetery.
  Maybe it's good to feel small once in a while. I'm always hearing that my generations is self-absorbed and short-sighted; maybe it's good to feel unimportant every now and then, to get knocked down a few pegs. Maybe it's what we need in order to keep ourselves in check. We need to realize that no one really cares what we ate for dinner unless they were eating it with us, or that we can live without taking and sharing selfies everyday.
If we put half the energy that we expel on vanity and bullshit into something meaningful, maybe we could actually get something done, instead of documenting every single non-meaningful move we make.

**I realize that this post and entire blog can be seen as another form of bullshit media- trust me, I see the irony. For that reason, I think it's best that I take a Ron Swanson-style camping trip soon and take a step back from the things that are causing me to feel this way.

1 comment:

  1. I want to sing Cheer Up, Charlie to you. Something amazing will happen, despite if you hunt for it or let it fall in your lap.
