The tales, trials, and triumphs if a urban twenty-something.
Comments, feedback, and story-sharing are encouraged.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

This Is Not A Resolution Post.

This is not a resolution post. This is a look at what I've done in 2013, a reflection on what has happened and how those things may or may not affect my future. If you think nothing has happened to you in the past 365 days, I urge you to try this.

In the year 2013, I:

1. Graduated from a wonderful school.
2. Realized that college doesn't necessarily prepare you for the real world, because it can't; nothing can.
3. Acquired and lost my first "big girl" job.
4. Fell head over heels and, shortly after, experienced my first heartbreak.
5. Realized that you can't live your life for someone else.
6. Found my passion for social change.
7. Bought my first pair of stilettos.
8. For the first time since I moved to Chicago, celebrated with my entire family in the city.
9. Questioned the corporate hierarchy for the first time.
10. Published my first piece of writing.
11. Felt (and feel) that nannies, teachers, and all childcare providers don't get enough credit.
12. Shamelessly gave my number to a bartender, because that's the kind of thing my best friend can convince me to do after only 3 drinks.
13. Got called up onstage at Improv Olympics.
14. Made new friends.
15. Lost old friends.
16. Felt my heart being pulled in a million different directions as vital people in my support system moved away.
17. Directed my first show.
18. Felt inadequate when observing my peers.
19. Learned that everyone must create their own path, and that you can't judge anyone just because their path isn't what you would have chosen for them.
20. Accepted that my life has never-and probably will never-run according to plan.
21. Realized that you must never stop learning or trying, because to stop doing either of those things is the definition of defeat.

There you have it, friends. It may not look like a lot at first, but in retrospect, 2013 was a pivotal transitional year. As far as 2014 is concerned, my only concrete resolution is to post here once a week. Other than that, I resolve to do and to love more and more often.


  1. this is a really awesome reflection. 2013 was huge for you, and 2014's going to be even bigger. i think that's just how it is in your 20s. i'd love to hear more about your passions for social change, under-appreciated child-care professions, and corporate hierarchy. luckily, you have a blog where you can write about it all, and continue to grow and explore. so excited to see what you write and accomplish this year.

    xo nicole

  2. Thank you, Nicole! I'm excited too. We'll see what happens. As always, thank for reading!


  3. Don't forget you also got to like Fleetwood Mac a little bit more.

    1. Oh my god, how could I forget!? Yes, please add "developed a new-found love for Fleetwood Mac and specifically Silver Springs." to that list.

  4. 2014 is the year we start our (non weird) sex ed class. So good to see you love!

    1. Haha, if there is such a thing. Cheers to preventing teen pregnancy and STDs through our awesome business model! So good to see you too, babe!
