The tales, trials, and triumphs if a urban twenty-something.
Comments, feedback, and story-sharing are encouraged.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Babies and Running and Kale- Oh My!

Some days, I have thoughts and feelings so big and powerful inside of me that at night, when I lay my head down, I'm thankful that I didn't burst at the seams.

1. I'm sorry it's been so long; I've missed you all dearly and promise to never let life get that much in the way of my writing again.
2. Today I went outside without a coat on, and it was glorious.
3. I've started running to train for a 10K in July. That doesn't mean that this will turn into an inspirational workout blog, but if it helps someone else become inspired to run too, so be it.
4. I tried kale, and there is something behind all the fuss about it.
5. I'm becoming more of a beer snob; if you have any IPA's you want me to try, let me know!
6. As a nanny, I've learned that kids really do say the darndest things. Here are a few of my favorites from these past few weeks:
  • Me: "How can you be hungry? You just ate."
    Child: "I know, but food makes me happy."
  • "Are you gonna tell my mom I was good?"
  • "Look! I didn't poop in the tub!"
  • Me: "Oh what a great picture of us! Wait, what are those?"
    Child: "Oh, those are your boobies."
6. Sometimes you will go on a date with a charming person, drink fabulous drinks and laugh your butt off at all of their jokes, and still want nothing to do with them, and that is ok.
7. I think I'm finally becoming comfortable with the fact that life is weird and unpredictable and all you can really do is try your best and ride the wave (I don't know when I started using surfing metaphors, but I'm just gonna roll with it.)


1 comment:

  1. Ha ha like that.... "I know, but food makes me happy."
